List of
Leasing Terms
Defined in this Glossary


Glossary of Real Estate Leasing


Icon for CAM definedIcon for definition of CAMIcon for CAM definition

Definition of BOMA

“BOMA” is an acronym for “Building Owners and Managers Association.”  (In 1968 they changed their name to “Building Owners and Managers Association International” however by then the “BOMA” acronym had long been established.)  BOMA is perhaps best known for publishing a set of rules (called “BOMA Standards”) regarding how the square footage of a commercial property is measured.  Many people also use “BOMA” to refer to the measurement standards themselves, for example: “Square footage is to be determined per BOMA.”  More information can be found on the BOMA website:

Also see the Definition of Modified BOMA.

Glossary Image: BOMA DefinedIntro Image: Definition of BOMAIntro Image: BOMA Defined


DISCLOSURE:  Some of the definitions of leasing terms in this glossary have been tailored to reflect the common practice in the leasing of smaller-sized commercial properties in Northern California.  These definitions are not intended to be the legal definitions that would typically be used in a legal proceeding.