Historic Images Related to the Lepori Building,
506 - 510 Black Diamond St.,
Pittsburg, California

Index to Images on this Page:

• Lepori Building After the Fire

• Lepori Building After Restoration

• June, 1924 Advertisement for Lepori Building Tenant

Lepori Building After the Fire:

Lepori Building, Pittsburg, California, after the fire.

After the fire, circa 1980. (From the collection of John Diaz Coker, Esq.)

Lepori Building After Restoration:

Lepori Building, Pittsburg, California, after the restoration and before the construction of the plaza.

After the restoration, before the construction of the plaza. (From the collection of John Diaz Coker, Esq.)

June, 1924 Advertisement for Lepori Building Tenant:

June, 1924 Advertisement for Beede Ford

The above advertisement appeared in "The Golden Link," published
in June, 1924 by the Antioch Ledger newspaper.